Nutritional Coaching
Feeling a lot like being the bottom of a
bag of Doritos?
You know the feeling?… Disbelief… Shame… Frustration… The self-contempt could go on forever. It was not your intention to eat the whole thing; but before you knew it, there you were with an empty bag in your lap.
“What is it with me? Why all this drama over something that should be as simple as saying ‘no?’ I do so good for so long, and then, BAM! There I go again. There has to be a way to get on-track, and, more importantly, stay there.”
Break the Cycle – Take Control Now →
Promises… promises…
“I am tired of feeling this way, and I know that unless I do something now, it is only going to get worse. My diet choices affect my health.
“If I choose not to do anything, my weight will increase, which will affect my energy… my insulin-resistance will increase, I’ll develop Type II diabetes, which then increases my chances of getting Alzheimer’s Disease by 50-times!
“Not to mention all of the other ‘inflammatory’ diseases I will be at risk of developing. It will decrease the ways in which I see and view myself positively; body-image, which in turn, will negatively impact my relationships. Jeezopete! The costs associated with continuing down this path are outrageous, financially, and otherwise.”
Your Health, Your Choice – Act Now →
Regain your confidence – train your body with us!
I have a way of enlightening individuals of all shapes and sizes on the importance of nutritional balance. Whole foods, exercise, sleep protocols, stress management and nutrient intake.
Through state-of-the-art performance testing and on-going nutrition education, you’ll be in the hands of a certified expert and professional with 30 years’ experience.
Transform Your Body and Mind →
At Transcending Horizons, I offer the full package when it comes to getting you in shape.
I facilitate nutrition coaching specializing in weight loss, nutrition, and improving overall performance in AND outside the gym!
Where Holistic Health Meets the Cutting Edge
At Transcending Horizons, I translate current scientific evidence into practical lifestyle advice to help you reach your health and fitness goals.
I am your personal wellness and nutrition coach that will walk you through every step needed to help you live a life that is enjoyable and gratifying – from all aspects!
You will learn how to eat food for your body’s health as you put your lifestyle on the right nutritional program to address any health issues. We will work to identify lifestyle opportunities to get the body in shape.
From meal prepping to cooking and grocery shopping, I am there to keep you accountable and be your support to keep your mind and body a strong unit for success.
Restore your health naturally with personalized nutritional and weight loss advising.
If you’re experiencing…
- Digestion trouble
- Blood sugar problems
- Inflammation
- Weight gain
- Weight loss
- Poor energy
Heal Naturally, Feel Amazing →
You can mask these symptoms, or you can restore them naturally with us.
Take the first step to restoring optimum health and let me provide an ongoing nutritional consulting program to help get you back on track. Experience the sense of freedom that awaits you.
Take the First Step to Wellness →
Call (248) 277-0953 today to get started on your journey to better health.